Animated Short to continue the narrative of ‘Gizmos & Gadgets’, our tie-in to Netflix’s Arcane, and serve as the lore explanation for TFT’s newly launched Chibi Champions.
“Starting Small”
Little Legends, meet
Chibi Champions
The introduction of Chibi Champions into the world of Teamfight Tactics was always going to take a bit of explaining. Insert: Pengu and Ekko hi-jinx that result in a world altering event that would rewrite the lore of what it means to be a Teamfight Tactics Tactician.
Visual Development
Storyboards and Animatic by Julia Shi
Anthony Coppola - Layback Editor
Ashley Samour - Content Producer
Audrey Miano - Writer
Austin Veiger - Visual Design Artist
Barrett Womack - Content Producer
Bobby Sherlock - Brand Manager
Brendon Williams - Composer
Casey Edwards - Composer
Erik Shuiten - Sound Designer
Jing Luscombe - Brand Director
Jonathan Santoro - Director/Creative Director
Julia Shi - Visual Development/Storyboard Artist
Lauren Posterick - Campaign Manager/Producer
Long Vu - Art Director
Matteo Stronati - Sr. Audio Manager
Rodger Caudill - Comms
Sean Balas - Audio Manager
TJ Geisen - Sr. Illustrator
Tawny Hsin - Editing Supervisor
Tayler Olivas - Vis-Dev Artist
Terry Lewis - Brand Manager
Wentao Wang - Layback Editor
Wenting Zhang - Vendor (Yizhi) Producer
Watch it on YouTube: